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Questions and answers

(Translated by Google) It is not complete information, as I have not entered a pet companion, but there is a pet shop and I think that part of the building is allowed to have pets. (Original) 私がペット同伴で入店したことは無いので完全情報では無いですが、ペットショップが有り館内の一部がペットの入店が認められてると思います。


I think the taxfree counter can process all shop with the tax free sign in the mall.

(Translated by Google) There is (Original) あります

(Translated by Google) I do not get bored if there is a variety of shops. (Original) いろいろなお店があって飽きないですよ。

(Translated by Google) It did not appear in the child of the weather. (Original) 天気の子には登場しておりませんでした。

(Translated by Google) museum of skin (Original) musee de peau

Check your hotel about the shuttle timings that goes around the odaiba city. There is a shuttle that goes around the whole odaiba city area

I guess not. Though I have not been in every corner of the building. You want to go safe, try it online.